Ashton Heights - Pet of the Month

January 2022 Newsletter


The January 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

2022 Opportunities and Challenges

By Scott Sklar, President, AHCA

Virtually every community issue we cover is about to be in overdrive in 2022.

Open spaces and parks are at the center of AHCA’s input to the Clarendon area Arlington County planning – where on our border several large buildings will be going up, and we want to make sure we have ample park and open space (and native trees). AHCA is at the lead and “in the center” of that dialogue, with Committee Chairs Brook Alexander, Brent Burris, and Jack Spilsbury leading the charge.

Development has always been our most time-consuming focus, and the AHCA Development Committee has been in the forefront. Our Development Committee Chair, Jack Spilsbury, has garnered support of the four other civic associations that surround Clarendon to coordinate our priorities and presentations. And the Committee members are all active and engaged in the effort of Clarendon redevelopment on building set-backs, building tapering, open spaces, and underground parking as essential components – a great group of active community members – thank you.

Our Safety & Security Committee, chaired by Christina Schultz, has an ongoing liaison with the Arlington County Police Department whose representatives report at AHCA’s monthly meetings. Car thefts and car incursions are becoming more common – we need to lock our vehicle doors and not idle our cars and leave – as the fastest cure for this problem. Violent crime has not increased, but has so in areas around Arlington County – so we need to remain vigilant.

Transportation has the same issues of pedestrian safety, bicycle lanes, traffic guiding and calming. We have roadway and walkway projects along North Glebe Road in play, and issues being followed by AHCA Transportation chair Patrick Lueb.

Schools issues are followed by Committee Co Chairs Gregory Morse and Caroline Rogus – and major issues seem to be steady, but they will report as needed and are open to any input from Ashton Heights residents.

Housing issues are a hot topic by the Arlington County Board as its Middle Housing report has been issued, and AHCA Housing Committee Chairs Matt Hall and Christina Schultz are participating and tracking.

Aside from the formal committee work, I have been dialoguing with members of the Arlington County Board, and the new police chief Andy Penn, as well as with our sister civic associations.

I am pleased we can have our AHCA monthly meetings back in-person at the Clarendon United Methodist Church social hall on the third Wednesday of every month, or this January 19th. If you have ideas on speakers and program issues, please contact our VP for Programs Jim Feaster.

And now that we have celebrated Ashton Height’s 100th anniversary, I need to re-emphasize that it is up to us to preserve and enhance our community, so it evolves as the great place it is to live, work, play. The work we do as a community is essential. Thank you for being an AHCA member, and all that you do.

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