Tree Canopy Decline Since 1973


Our Shrinking Tree Canopy – What is to be Done?

Ashton Heights has been a green oasis in the center of Arlington for decades.
Unfortunately, our oasis is disappearing!

Look at the tree canopy maps thru time:

At Ashton Heights Civic Association’s (AHCA) September meeting, we examined
the available tree canopy studies of Arlington, including Ashton Heights. Tree
Canopy studies were done in 1973, 1985, 1997, 2008, 2011, and 2016. The
County expects to do another survey in 2023.
These historical maps are below.

More maps coming soon.

What is to be done??

At the Sept AHCA meeting we started to discuss strategies to restore our oasis.
Join David Summers and me this winter. We will convene a committee to flush
out ideas. Let us know if you are interested in helping by emailing me at .

Brooke Alexander

Ashton Heights Civic Association Tree Canopy and Native Plant Coordinator
Arlington Regional Master Naturalist

November 2022 Newsletter


The November 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

President’s Column
By Scott Sklar, President, AHCA 

At our October AHCA monthly meeting we had a dialogue on the Arlington County Board’s proposal on Missing Middle with two speakers (long-time Arlington residents) supporting and questioning the Missing Middle Housing (MMH) proposal. I was happy to see a turn out of over 60 AHCA residents at our AHCA October membership meeting on MMH.

This was a discussion and not a debate, which I moderated and this is not a Jerry Springer show – so everyone was asked to offer up a question and all dialogue polite. 

The speakers were:

  • Alice Hogan who grew up in Ashton Heights and Lyon Village before that. Her mother still lives on the same street as I do, beyond the church. Alice has 50 years’ experience in Arlington.
  • Julie Lee has served as president of the Glencarlyn Civic Association for 6 years. She was born and raised in Arlington, in a house her parents built in Glencarlyn in the early 50’s.

Following are links for more information on recent MMH programs in October 2022. Please feel free to review them.

AHCA has sent out a MMH survey to AHCA residents who are on our listserv and our AHCA Secretary Chris Armstrong will be sending out an e-survey after our AHCA meeting above. The survey was created by the AHCA Development Committee CoChairs Alexander Tuneski and Jack Spilsbury, ExCom member Ken Matzkin and myself. The survey has been reviewed and approved by the AHCA ExCom.

We will also have the survey available for those not on the AHCA listserv on our website ( You will have to put in some extra info, so we can make sure we are not double counting.

I want to thank everyone in AHCA on the dialogue on MMH on our listserv. There are many views expressed, and for the most part respectful. I don’t see these issues as black-and-white, so good dialogue, programming, and give-and-take discussion is most worthwhile.

Thank all of you within our community for being active on a host of issues, as AHCA tries to inform, host dialogue, and build community consensus.

Ashton Heights 100th Anniversary Presentations


 As the Ashton Heights Civic Association celebrated its 100 years anniversary, a variety of presentations were made at public meetings and are a good source of learning more about the various parts of our history.  This includes the following slide presentations:

  1. A History of the Clarendon Alliance
  2. The 2011 Historical House Tour
  3. Three Historical Presentation to the Civic Association
  4. “History of the women’s club of Ashton Heights 1924-1970”

Interested parties with questions can contact AHCA Historian James Terpstra at 703 908 9231 or 

September 2022 Meeting Minutes


Scott Sklar, AHCA President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. 

Scott thanked Dave Schultz, VP for Programs, for organizing the meeting and praised him for the conception and logistics for the successful joint meeting with the Lyon Park Civic Association for Candidates night on September 14th at the Lyon Park Community Center. Scott also introduced Alexander Tuneski as new CoChair with Jack Spilsbury of the AHCA Development Committee.

Kids, INC. – Ann Felker presented on Kids, INC., an Ashton Heights News listing of local youths who are ready to earn money by helping residents with tasks such as dog walking, plant watering, babysitting, leaf raking, and other activities. The September 22 newsletter lists available youths, contact information, and tasks for which they are available. Six neighborhood youths presented on the work they enjoy and experience with the program (and more came to present later in the meeting!) If you have updates for the listing, contact Ann at

Arlington Police Department – Officer Carly Mullinax presented on the latest incidents around Ashton Heights. He reported 368 cases year-to-date, including 150 in the summer months between May 1 and September 15. Most incidents have been concentrated near the Ballston quarter metro. Case volumes are in line with seasonal averages, and more recent cases include 6 larceny via automobile (reminder to lock your car!), as well as fraud and drunk in public incidents. He reported a number of recent attempted burglary incidents in the area, most all in vacant or under construction homes. He advised residents to choose lighted streets in the evening, walking with groups, and being aware of surroundings. 

Zoning – AHCA Development/Zoning Chair Jack Spilsbury spoke on development updates and introduced hhe new AHCA Development Committee CoChair Alexander Tuneski. He noted that the Joyce Motors lot will be redeveloped into an 11-story residential high-rise building, while the Silver Diner lot will be redeveloped into a hotel and another residential high rise. The lot behind Whole Foods may be developed into a 14-story building, as well as civic association desire to limit building heights. He also noted that AHCA is working with 12 other civic associations on the Missing Middle initiative. 

Tree Canopy – AHCA Native Plants & Tree Canopy Chair Brooke Alexander and David Summers. 

David spoke about his work at the State Department, where he had the opportunity to work in numerous countries and see firsthand those that prioritized trees and those that did not, as well as the difference that prioritization made on quality of life. David also presented his personal scientific observations on one of the hottest days this summer in Ashton Heights: the sidewalk under the shade of his tree was 83 degrees; and the sidewalk across the street in the sun was 119 degrees.

Brooke spoke about the relationship between trees and high temperatures, noting that one benefit of trees is the reduction of heat island effects and lower average temperatures. Showing slides from 1973, she noted that Ashton Heights surveys show fewer trees over time due to increased development. She also noted that between 2008 and 2016, Ashton Heights’ tree coverage changed from 48 percent to 41 percent (the neighborhood has the capacity for 58%, while Lyon Park as capacity for 59%). Trees also soak up rainwater, preventing flooding, as well as add to our neighborhood’s biodiversity. 

Brooke also outlined county requirements for tree coverage. Arlington tree replacement requirements apply if more than 2500 square feet of land is disturbed, and currently require 20% canopy cover. She noted that under the Missing Middle initiative, that requirement would generally be 10%. For more information, she recommended contacting the Arlington Tree Action Group.

The meeting adjourned promptly at 9:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted, 

Chris Armstrong


October 2022 newsletter


The October 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

Visions of Our Community
By Scott Sklar, President, AHCA 

Arlington County and our communities are a great place to live due to the actions and hard work or many Ashton Heights and Lyon Park residents, who are still active members of our associations. We had visionaries in Arlington County who supported an approach called “The Arlington Way” which was an attempt to create full participatory governance process which is still represented on the many Commissions, planning committees, and processes today.

The Arlington Way has served us very well. The county lobbied for the metro and created wise zoning that allowed tall buildings along the metro lines and mid-level buildings stepping down up to our residential communities, which became a national model.

Aside from Metro, Arlington pushed multi-modal transportation including a network of bicycle paths/lanes, walkable communities with bumping in corners into intersections for pedestrian-friendly walkways, a bikeshare network, scooters, for awhile, hourly Zip cars, now Ubers, cabs and finally personal transportation with community parking zones around metro stops so neighborhoods can have access to their streets for parking.

Arlington has an extensive network of parks that are well kept, a tree canopy program that actually disperses trees to residents and a rather aggressive water management program at a time our climate is changing and our downpours are more frequent and heavier. Arlington has adopted a County Energy Plan (CEP), of whose commission energy committee I sit, which has been unanimously adopted by the County Board in two successive renditions addressing reducing greenhouse gas emissions and accelerating adoption of energy efficiency, renewable energy, electric transportation, etc.

All these goals, policies and programs, have made our county and neighborhood a most wonderful place to live.

As Arlington has become urbanized and dense, our housing and rental prices have soared, as have the region’s. These realities force middle and low income people who work in Arlington in service industries (teachers, police and fire, etc.), to move farther and farther out and away from Arlington.

There has been a push to address this issue, and our Arlington County Board has embarked on a Missing Middle Housing study and a set of proposals on zoning changes to allow duplexes, triplexes, quadraplexes, and higher on residential-zoned lots in traditional single family neighborhoods. 

The study said these structures would cut Arlington tree canopy in half, and there are no zoning or code requirements to ensure Arlington’s stormwater management or building energy efficiency along with greenhouse gas reduction would be addressed.

Aside from undercutting key Arlington proposals, the push back has focused that the housing values, in fact, would not go down, but just allow developers and builders to extract much higher values out of existing residential lots. And as a by-product much higher street parking congestion, beyond the tree canopy and stormwater stresses mentioned above.

This has galvanized seven civic associations to have weekly meetings, as well as Zoom meetings with the County Board on every aspect of the proposals. Many of the civic association presidents have questioned why other initiatives are not used in Arlington, but used throughout the United States on Missing Middle Housing, such as the use of land trusts (used to preserve forests and wetlands). These can be utilized to aggregate tear-downs (older, smaller houses) to be upgraded and sold to middle income to address rising housing prices but also foster home ownership, as an example.

So far, aside from one board member, no one on the Arlington County Board seems interested in other, more proven programs. 

The Wednesday, October 19th Ashton Heights Civic Association meeting will feature a structured dialogue on Missing Middle Housing (MMH). As at our joint AHCA/LPCA September Candidates night, where questions were submitted and bundled for candidates, we will solicit questions, and package them to the pro and con speakers who will present on MMH. Please submit your questions directly to me at:

The goal here is to develop a consensus that addresses the issues, without the downsides, into a more effective approach as we continue our dialogue with the County Board.

We have had a great dialogue on the AHCA listserv, and I am hoping to have a web survey as well so we can see where our AHCA membership leans and what sub-issues are important to all Ashton Heights residents. As always, thank you for your interest and involvement in making our community an even better place to live.

September 2022 Newsletter


The September 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

Back in the Saddle – AHCA on the Move
by Scott Sklar, President, AHCA

Welcome back! Autumn will be here soon, humidity will decrease, mosquitoes will decline, schools/colleges are open and “in person”, and the issues ACHA addresses will continue to accelerate.

As we ramp up, I want to thank a host of people within AHCA that donate their time to make our community stronger.

First, Amy Miller, our esteemed newsletter editor and Betsy Lyon, our listserv moderator who are critical in allowing us to receive and share information. Second, our new VP of Programs David Schutz, who lines up speakers for our monthly meetings.

Third, Ann Felker, who puts together our “Kids Inc.” column. The kids will be at our September meeting offering to do work of all kinds for all of us in this great community.

Fourth, our AHCA Development Committee Jack Spilsbury and his new Co-chair Alexander Tuneski and the hardworking committee members dealing with key issues.

Fifth, a tag team of myself, Ken Matzkin, Brooke Alexander and Jack Spilsbury, working with our five sister civic associations on Missing Middle Housing (MMH), that is now before the County Board and will have huge impacts on our community.

Sixth, our other AHCA Committee Chairs: Safety and Security (Christina Schultz), Housing (Matt Hall, Christina Schultz), Open Spaces – Parks, Playgrounds, Neighbor Conservation (Chris Horvath), Tree Canopy and Native Plants (Brooke Alexander), Schools (Greg Morse, Caroline Rogus) and Transportation/Parking (Patrick Lueb).

And finally, the AHCA Executive Committee (ExCom) who work year round in coordinating our programs, policies, and key issues – Scott Sklar, (President), Dave Schutz, (VP Programs), Jim O’Brien (Treasurer) , Chris Armstrong (Secretary), Doug Williams (Treasurer), and At-Large – Jim Feaster, Ken Matzkin, David Philips and Jim Richardson.

I have many more to thank (next column) – but the point is we have many neighbors working together to make Ashton Heights a better place to live.

And this brings me to the hot upcoming issues we need everyone to pay attention to this September.

  1. MMH – the county is holding hearings this month on a plan to allow duplexes, triplexes or quadplexes on residential lots to theoretically attract middle income buyers. The civic associations are working towards limiting the size of these buildings to the same height and footprint of housing now allowed, protect tree canopy, and potentially try other approaches that might be more successful in allowing middle income to own where they live in Arlington.
  2. Development on our borders – four buildings and hopefully one park – AHCA is fighting for a park on the County-owned block and atop the fire station, while we are aggressively addressing design, tree canopy, set-backs, tapering, MMH, underground parking, among other issues on the four buildings in the process of County approval.
  3. Neighborhood parking rules and issues – there are problems with neighborhood parking rules and equity. We are working with residents and the county to work out the kinks.

These issues will determine our community’s future – the way we look, live, and interact. And we need you all to be knowledgeable, interface with appropriate AHCA committees and the ExCom, and share input to the county at county meetings, and via the web site.

These are busy times, and now more than ever, we need to band together to navigate these issues, to make our community and neighborhoods as livable and enjoyable as possible. I look forward to working with everyone in our community towards this goal.

May 2022 Meeting Minutes


Scott Sklar, AHCA President, called the meeting to order at 7:34 PM.

AHCA Update

Scott Sklar thanked everyone for their participation in the civil association, and thanked Jim Feaster and Cynthia Davis for handling food and logistics for the meeting. He also thanked the AHCA executive committee for their work – including outgoing at-large members Cole Deans and Patrick Lueb, as well as incoming members Dave Schutz and David Phillips. Along with Scott, Doug Williams (Treasurer), Jim O’Brien (VP of Membership), Chris Armstrong (Secretary), and at-large members Jim Feaster, Ken Matzkin, David Phillips, and Jim Richardson all comprise the executive committee. 

Scott highlighted the following individuals and their work for AHCA:

  • James Terpstra (Historian)
  • Committee chairs Jack Spilsbury (Development)
  • Christiania  Schultz (Safety & Security, as well as Housing)
  • Matt Hall (Housing)
  • Patrick Lueb (Transportation)
  • Greg Mors and Carline Rogus (Schools)
  • AHCA newsletter editor Amy Miller
  • AHCA newsletter distribution coordinators Bea Camp and Julie Mangis, as well as the volunteers who make distribution possible. 
  • Listserve moderator Betsey Lyon for “herding cats up a hill” 
  • Kids Inc. Entrepreneurs coordinator Anne Felker
  • Brooke Alexander (Tree Canopy and Native Plants)
  • Open Spaces, Playgrounds, and Parks – outgoing representative Brent Burris and Lutz Prager, and incoming chair Chris Horvath
  • Issue leaders Martha Casey (COVID response) and both Martha and Erin Neal (Ad-hoc bar noise group), Polly Hall (Career Center), Stacy Snyder (Arlington School representative), Chris Lewicki (Civic Association Planning for Spout Run Watershed representative), Rita O’Brien (AHCA nominations), and both Dave Schultz and Ken Matzkin (Civic Federation).

Scott also noted and thanked the Arlington County Police Department (and their dogs!) for the long history of support and attendance, and Tracy Wines and Jen London with the Clarendon United Methodist Church for hosting our monthly meetings and special events. 

Scott then introduced Marty Swaim, who led a conversation on racism as a learned behavior, how it became part of our local institutions, and how it can be eliminated. Marty is available for sit down longer conversations with Arlingtonians on the history of racism in Arlington and what we can do to eliminated it. Her presentations include 5 or 6 short 8-10 minutes talks, along with materials, and is a very interactive conversation. She can be reached at

The meeting adjourned promptly at 8:06 PM, and was followed by drinks, snacks and camaraderie.

Respectfully submitted, 

Chris Armstrong


April 2022 Meeting Minutes


Scott Sklar, AHCA President, called the meeting to order at 6:35 PM.

AHCA Elections

Scott Sklar called for the AHCA Nominations Chair to read the slate the slate to serve as AHCA Officers and At-Large, composing the AHCA Executive Committee (ExCom), also thanking Rita O’Brien for her service in that role. He also thanked Dave Schultz and Dave Phillips for stepping up at the last minute, as well as Jim Terpstra for his new role.

Following these notes, Rita O’Brien called for a vote and the following AHCA Officers and AHCA ExCom members were elected unanimously during the meeting: 

AHCA Officers

President  – Scott Sklar

Vice-President for Programs – Dave Schutz

Vice President- Membership – Jim O’Brien,

Secretary – Chris Armstrong –

Treasurer – Doug Williams –,

At-Large: 4 positions

Position #1 – Jim Feaster –,

Position #2 – Ken Matzkin  –,

Position #3 – Jim Richardson –,

Position #4 – David Phillips –,

AHCA President Scott Sklar thanked Cole Deines. and Patrick Lueb, who served on the  AHCA Excom. Also, Brent Burris for serving ably as the AHCA Chair of the Open Spaces Subcommittee. He also advised that Jim Terpstra,  AHCA Historian, will join the ExCom as an Ex-Officio member and Chair an AHCA History Group (

Community Development

Scott Sklar discussed how AHCA has “drawn a line in the sand” and coordinated with four other Civic Associations to send letters, sign on to a press release, and present at the Clarendon Sector Plan, Long Range Planning Commission, and the Arlington County Board for a 40,000 sq ft park on the county-owned block around and atop the fire station.  AHCA also aggressively supports “affordable housing” but not as another large building on this block but as part of the five buildings to be built soon in the Clarendon Sector. He lauded AHCA Development Committee Chair for his hard work in coordinating this effort along with able support of the AHCA Development Committee, and enlisting and working with our four other sister civic associations. Jack Spilsbury, AHCA Development Committee Chair explained the issues further, and noted

AHCA President Sklar (5 minutes) and AHCA Development Committee Chair Spilsbury

(3 minutes) will be testifying before the Arlington County Board the following weekend.

AHCA Native Plants & Tree Canopy

AHCA Native Plants & Tree Canopy Chair Brooke Alexander introduced the featured speaker Alda Krinsman from Audubon at Home Coordinator for Arlington on “Wildlife Sanctuary, who gave a captivating presentation and Q&A.

Newly AHCA appointed Chris Lewicki as the AHCA representative on the Joint Civic Association Planning effort on the Spout Run Watershed and County Planning Committee, briefed the AHCA members on this effort, and future Arlington County planning issues on watershed management.

The meeting adjourned promptly at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted, 

Chris Armstrong


May 2022 Newsletter


The May 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

President’s Column by Scott Sklar

This April, I was asked by the Arlington “Committee of 100” to make a presentation on Clarendon Development with a vision from a high level. I decided to wind some other issues into that vision because several issues need to be addressed in tandem.

The Arlington Way “Adrift”
Many of our long-time AHCA members have been actively involved in Arlington planning processes such as Long Term Planning, GLUP (general end use plan), and Sector Plans, taking many months and in some cases years. We are witnessing many of these efforts substantially changed at the very end with little input. Now obviously some issues change, I ask, “Why spend years on a deliberative process if it can be “end gamed” in the last few months?”

Arlington County, to its credit, surveys resident’s attitudes, but these community input surveys inadvertently limits views and expressions. As Joan Fitzgerald has highlighted to the AHCA Development Committee, polling has been changed from the affected area of the County to the entire County. County polling needs to be divided into two polls: 1) all Arlington residents, and 2) affected neighborhoods. Those areas of the County most affected by a particular plan need to have their own input.

Arlington is not Keeping up with Densification
As your Civic Association president, I get called with problems daily. Some examples follow. Clarendon businesses have approached me extremely concerned that parking between Northside Social and the Church will be removed – where are people out of Clarendon going to park?
• not everyone is going to Metro or Uber
• beyond the bar crowd, those in the suburbs or commuting thru Arlington before they go home need access to underground paid parking in EVERY building.

Good news: The Red Top construction which is building #3 of free-standing buildings with a total of 580 residential units and nearly 3,500 square feet of ground-floor retail space on the site, has 468 underground parking spaces, according to a county news release. (The Red Top Parking Lot construction now underway is the third of these three originally approved in 2015) but with another eight buildings being built, we will need more.

Rooftop restaurant and bar noise has increased from three calls per month to fifteen calls per month – residents being awakened from sleep in the middle of the night CONTINUOUSLY, where police have been responsive but are being constantly called to remediate noise – this is unsustainable. Our county manager has rebuffed the AHCA request to better empower police and code officials “on site” in evenings and hopefully issue fines – and the County is soliciting public input from all public sectors in May.

The Future of Clarendon
Nine new buildings – two are being built now and seven will be built, will totally remake Clarendon. The transformation will be huge. AHCA believes that Affordable Housing is necessary, but not in one singular building but rather within EACH of these nine buildings (Note: the one being built on the corner of Washington Blvd and Kirkwood St. has some). Every new building should have a floor (or more) dedicated to making Arlington livable for a wide array of incomes.

Arlington is not keeping up with other advanced municipalities. Interlacing within the bulls eye density – open space is needed for: community (or rooftop) gardens, larger social events, picnics, and recreation and a real community center. Alternative suggestions by staff and Board that sites on North Quincy, Maury Park or Hayes Park suffice (which are 15 minutes) away is sheer nonsense and misses the point. For the first time ALL five civic associations in-and-around Clarendon have united on the Clarendon Sector Plan for a 40,000 sq ft park “on and around” the fire station on the 10th Street North block which is the epicenter of these large soon to-be-built buildings. We need to all thank the AHCA Development Committee and especially its Chair Jack Spilsbury for enlisting our four sister civic associations.

It would be inexcusable to endorse more tons of cement within the Clarendon vortex (nine large buildings) and actually believe this is advanced development without this signature open space – it is not.

April 2022 Newsletter


The April 2022 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

Red Lines in the Sand by Scott Sklar, President, AHCA

The Ashton Heights Civic Association (AHCA) has been one of the leaders in looking towards the future. Our association leaders in the 1960’s and 1970’s fought to ensure tapered zoning from the metro stations to the residential neighborhoods, tree canopy expansion, and open spaces as Arlington became an inner suburb.

It was wise then, and it is wiser now.

Joining four other civic associations, we have drawn a line in the sand on the block where the fire station sits, to have it a mixed-use park, including the roof of the new firehouse other than development. We have rejected that the spot of land where a tiny used car lot and some Arlington-owned houses and an area of no-parking area between the Northside Social coffee shop and the church suffices for mixed use in the future. There is a difference between some open space, and some community picnic, playground, and other activities in a large space in what will be a high concentration urbanized setting in the near future.

We have also rejected the idea that this site become another giant building of which some will be dedicated to Affordable Housing. To be clear, AHCA supports affordable housing – and we are strongly prodding the Arlington Board to include it in the other five giant buildings being reviewed now to be built in the Clarendon area within the next two years. But the park on the 10th Street North site is as important to those in affordable housing as it is to our five neighborhoods represented by the five civic Associations. AHCA is standing our ground.

AHCA has also been working with those in our community affected by roof-top noise from various bars and restaurants in Clarendon and along Wilson Blvd. The Arlington County Police have worked with us pro-actively on Don Titos and other restaurants. But institutionally, the Arlington code enforcement staff are the ones that need to be given extra hours with pay, rather than police, to visit these sites at night when the complaints are filed. These issues are not really police matters, but code enforcement matters – and again AHCA is making clear that as we urbanize even more, these issues will get worse, not better. So we need an expansion of enforcement with pay, for those who can ensure commercial behavior fits the guidelines and those within our community can sleep at night. Another line in the sand.

On a personal note, many of you may know I sit on Arlington County’s C2E2 Commission’s Energy Committee, and many of us are pushing for an Arlington County Climate Coordinator to be appointed to ensure that the myriad of Arlington agencies and programs row in the same direction of the unanimously approved (twice) Arlington County Community Energy Plan (CEP). Again, drawing a line in the sand for our Arlington’s resilient future.

There has been some pushback on all the above by Arlington’s various commissions and committees. I have gotten many calls. But these issues are too important to “just go along for the ride”. It affects our quality of life, and frankly, some personal control of our local environs. So, we’re hanging tough. But not just to be tough, to be vigilant – it’s our community, and if we don’t fight for it – Clarendon can transform into the cement, shaded, lack-of green of Ballston (just walk along North 9th Street in the cement wind tunnel to experience the effect).

I want to thank AHCA’a Development Committee and the AHCA Committee Chairs and CoChairs of our other Committees who have all been important leaders in directing and protecting our community’s future. And I look forward to hearing your ideas, and having you work within our AHCA Committees as your time allows.