
The November 2023 newsletter is linked below. If you have any comments or questions, email

End of Year in the Neighborhood
By Scott Sklar, President, AHCA

My end-of-year column, is really a “shout out” and I apologize for not being able to include everyone who deserves recognition. There are so many great volunteers within AHCA and our local neighborhoods.

On a practical note, kudos to our AHCA Executive Committee as well as committee and issue chairs. In particular:

  • Ken Matzkin who represents AHCA with a coalition of other civic associations on Missing Middle (now called EHO)
  • Chris Lewiscki who is AHCA’s lead on Stormwater Management meetings and policy
  • And as always, our untiring Brooke Alexander who is assisting on the greenway behind WBM, tree canopy and native plants discussions, and many Arlington County projects and issues, along with education within our neighborhood and sister civic associations. You deserve our thanks for the extra effort you are doing for our community.

I have two shout outs for neighborhood leaders this fall.

First, long time Jackson Street resident, Peter Joyce (, who has stepped up to fill a void on a range of issues both on Jackson Street and spreading to other Ashton Heights areas. See his update: “Circle Damage Quickly Repaired” below:

“Given our collective voices and recent conversations with ACPD and DES, we received a quick response to the truck damage to the 6th and Jackson St traffic circle signs. Halloween Street Closure: We submitted an application to close N. Jackson Street – between Wilson and Pershing – on Halloween. The committee is reviewing the application and wants to work with us. DES and ACPD Meeting. After many emails (some more forceful than others) we are scheduling a meeting between the N. Jackson Street Safety Coalition (under AHCA), ACPD, and DES. The Coalition. I am still hoping we can expand our coalition. The more consensus we have around safety ideas, the more likely we can support improvements.

Peter’s take charge attitude, working with his neighbors and AHCA is just amazing and typifies what we can do to make our community safer and more livable. Thank you, Peter!

Second, Natalie U. Roy. After losing a close election for County Board as a staunch supporter of more effective and less disruptive alternatives to the Arlington County Board’s approach on Missing Middle Housing, Natalie now e-publishes “EHO Watch” Note: Facebook page links to past issues of EHO Watch are being posted on a private Facebook page. If you want access to the page, please shoot me an email. 

The publication includes additional information on EHO and EHO-related news. A website might be in the future, but in the interim, Facebook it is. EHO Watch previously known as Missing Middle, the County’s detensification program was re-branded as Expanded Housing Option (EHO) Development due to the goal no longer being about affordable housing, and will be sent out to highlight newsworthy developments. If you wish to subscribe to EHO Watch, email Natalie, thanks for e-publishing this great information tool.

I know we are all busy with our families, jobs, household projects and various community activities, so it is hard to focus on community and neighborhood issues. But it is refreshing to see so many of you stepping up and making a serious dent in issues facing all of us.

I wish all of you in our Ashton Heights community a most wonderful holiday season with joy, health and peace.

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